Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A makeover, presented with love

I am just overjoyed. For once, whining actually paid off...

For some time now, I have envied several of my friends' blog layouts. The beautiful mastheads, the use of imagery, you name it. I've had a tickle of an image in my head about how I might do it, but really didn't have a clue how to make it happen. So I have stuck with a few modifications to a standard Blogger template. Effective, but boring.

So I was commenting on Penni's blog over at martha, martha and coveting her revamped layout. "Poor, HTML-impaired me, I'll never have anything this good looking" was the essence of it all. (Care for a little cheese with that whine?...)

Out of the blue this morning, Penni send me a great gift - a personally-designed masthead. And this lady knows me well - each image is symbolic of some part of my blogging journey. The crucifix, the empty cross, the steps, the ripples in water, the beautiful rainbow image - it's all just outta this world!

The only addition I made was the image of the walkway on the right - a shot I took at Wildwood MetroPark here in Toledo. So much of my past has been spent desiring to see what's going to happen, what's around the next corner - rather than just enjoying the walk, and the trees - it's a great reminder. It's actually the one element I wanted to include on my "someday" masthead.

Anyway, Penni then simply redesigned my whole template, and even installed it for me! The result is beyond what I could have done - so I'm absolutely delighted.

Thank you, dear sister, for a gift seasoned heavily with love!


~pen~ said...

you are absolutely so very welcomed - if i ever get photoshop, I will save it to that to see if the images can be a little sharper focused.

for my first attempt for someone else, i must say i am quite pleased :) your wonderful emails and response has been better than anything else, however....

heart ya.

Erin said...

Beautiful masthead, beautiful friendship. Cool.

Michael Dodd said...

What wilsonian said.

Peter said...

Heavy metal, Steve man! It's beautiful!!

renee altson said...

hi steve. i know i don't comment much but i'm here reading. (you too peter, I love the poems you've been writing).

This really is beautiful. I love the images. they each speak volumes

BentonQuest said...

Great Masthead!

bobbie said...

love it steve!

beautiful and a gift from m2!

so glad i didn't just read off of bloglines or i might have missed it!