Wednesday, April 13, 2005

So you wanna know who the next Pope will be?

Kudos and a tip-o-the-hat to Lisa at CrazyFaith for this great link. NCAA, eat your heart out - now this is a set of match-ups for the ages! Check out "Dick Vitale's Popeapalooza"!

1 comment:

Michael Dodd said...

I forwarded it to my pope-watching friends. If it turns out to be Cardinal Ratzinger, by the way, I can at least say I spoke with him once. We passed in front of St. Peter's Basilica back in 1998 when I was there for a celebration, and I said hello. He politely acknowledged the greeting as he hurried off to his office. I always wanted to drop that into conversation, "Last time I was in Rome, I spoke with Cardinal Ratzinger, you know..."